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Common Mistakes Made While 3D Printing

Having the correct materials, software, and technology present are the fundamental building blocks to 3D printing. With proper education and instruction, you can avoid common mistakes made while 3D printing. If you’re using correct practices and techniques, you too can create to the industry standard.

Top Mistakes Made While 3D Printing

If your machine hasn’t been properly set up, you can be sure that mistakes will follow. Before starting any job, you must ensure proper procedure—and in the case of machinery, this means proper setup. Also, asking for help on a project should never be out of the question, no matter the size of the project.

Choosing Incorrect Materials

Going with the wrong materials—such as plastics or polymers for concrete or metal jobs—can seriously impact your job and the machine’s performance. This can result in a job that either isn’t completed correctly or performs poorly. How you use your material is also of equal importance; not calculating the thickness of your walls could result in a weak construction that may not last.

Improper Machine Assembly

Machine assembly is also something that could potentially cause all kinds of hazards. Ensure that your equipment is prepped and ready to go before ever starting a job. This could save the job and the crew.

The Crew and Their Importance for Avoiding Mistakes

Just like any job, having good leadership is dire when starting and finishing. If you practice keeping an eye on your project, you’ll catch any mistakes when they happen. With this in practice, the uniformity of your projects will only accel as time goes on.

Safety as a Top Priority

Above all else, your top priority should be taking the necessary safety precautions while on any job. With safe practice while working, the likelihood of injury or death is always lessened. Even if you’re working around automated machinery, use these practices for the best results in your project.

So, as you move forward in your daily projects and constructs, ensure that you’re following these necessary tasks. This way, you can avoid these common mistakes made while 3D printing. This rings especially true in context to the precision it takes to create custom machined plastics and specialty 3D- designed tools. Above all else, check things such as assembly, materials, and procedure.

Watch your project take shape while also using safe procedure. Working by this standard will lead you only to success in your next 3D printing adventure.