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4 Reasons Why Plastic Gears Are the Future

With the introduction of plastics into manufacturing, there has been a surge of production at record low costs, all with little to complain about. Plastics may have once been on the low end of the totem pole, but these days they are giants in the world of industrial manufacturing. Here are four reasons why plastic gears are the future, in case you’re wondering how far they have come.

Low Density

Compared to their metal counterparts, plastics are unbeatable in weight and density. These lightweight, strong materials compete well with metal gears, meaning that metals are slowly starting to phase out of production. Metals are too cumbersome to maintain. They are also corrosive and rust easily, limiting their lifespan, whereas plastic does not have these issues.

Shock Absorption

Another great attribute of plastics is that their low density gives them great shock absorption by cushioning the tension of whatever they come into contact with. Better shock absorption is important in manufacturing as it allows the gears to work together more efficiently without damaging one another or causing unnecessary wear and tear. With proper shock absorption, everything continually runs smoothly for long periods of time.

Reduced Friction

Because these plastic gears work so seamlessly together, friction is almost non-existent, so there is little to worry about when it comes to wear. Reduced friction also means that plastic gears are unlikely to melt or burn from extended use and heat buildup. Custom gear manufacturers make plastic gears with materials called thermoplastics, which hold up well in high-stress situations and heat.


Plastics are made from petroleum resins. As plastic gears work, the resins produce oils. These oils work to the gears’ advantage because they produce their own lubrication during use. Lubrication prevents damage to the gears, so they are ready for any job at a moment’s notice.

If you needed to know why plastic gears are the future, these four reasons should sum it up quickly. It’s clear that plastics aren’t just the easy choice but the correct choice for all of your industrial and manufacturing needs.